ETABO's works include the replacement of a DN400 filling pipeline with a DN300 pipeline from the filter station to tank field 8 over a length of ca. 450 meters. In the tank field, 2 tank connections will be replaced and connected to the new pipeline. Relocation of 2 pumps in the existing pump station is also part of our job.
The detail engineering has already been completed and the work preparation is on-going. The prefabrication of the spools will be done in Germany and the Netherlands. The construction phase will start in April and has to be completed by June 2021.
In addition to the replacement and rerouting of pipelines, ETABO has also been contracted for the installation of a new pump station. A new header will be prefabricated and installed together with 5 new pumps and pipelines. Works will start in May.
"Nice projects that focus on collaboration with other contractors, subcontractors and on-site personnel", Anne Semisch, Team Leader Netherlands, reports.
“Do you have projects coming up and need support? Do not hesitate to contact us.”
Anne Semisch (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! / +49 172 2481196)